


You’ve have probably noticed by now that most of my cooking is influenced by my boyfriend’s crazy appetite, if not, you have to go through the other recipes and try all the deliciousness they have to offer. 

This recipe was sort of inspired by our frequent visit to Asian food restaurants. I always say that they add cooked cucumber in the food we order and my boyfriend says otherwise so I wanted to prove it with this yummy recipe!

I used this recipe for the chicken:


500 grams boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces

salt and pepper

⅓ cup soy sauce

¼ cup brown sugar (white works just as well)

1 tablespoon sesame seeds (I didn’t have 

these in hand so I left them out)

Vegetable oil

2 large carrots, chopped into long strips

1/2 large cucumber


Season the chicken with a salt and pepper, to taste. Set aside.

Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed frying pan or wok over medium heat.

You don’t want to start the chicken off over too high a heat otherwise it will not cook through before burning.

Add chicken and saute, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is no longer pink on the inside, and golden brown on the sides.

Once the chicken is ready to go, pour the soy sauce, brown sugar, cucumber, carrots and sesame seeds over it, then toss to combine until the chicken is evenly coated.

Continue cooking, stirring frequently until the sauce reaches a simmer and thickens.

Remove from heat, and serve immediately

For the pasta I used:


1/2 packet of spaghetti 

1 tablespoon vegetables oil

2 large green bell peppers 

1 large onion

Ground fresh ginger (a little goes a long way)

2 tablespoons soy sauce 

4 tablespoons water


Boil pasta to 3/4 required cook time

Drain the pasta.

In a large frying pan add table spoon of cooking oil on high heat and move around pan to coat the entire base.

Toss in chopped onions, peppers and ginger and sauté until soft.

Toss in spaghetti and mix until veggies are evenly spread out.

Mix 2 tablespoon of soy sauce with 4 tablespoons of water and add to spaghetti mixture.

Mix well and remove it from the stove top.

Enjoy 😊

***note: for this recipe I used dark soy sauce but the ordinary one from any chain stores should do the trick***

Chicken teriyaki with vegetable pasta

My boyfriend of course loved this recipe and I got to prove that cooked cucumber is deeeeelicious!

Let me know how it turns out for you!

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