


With the increase in load shedding, I’ve been trying to make crazy delicious meals outside of the oven that taste as good as oven baked cheesy pasta dishes.

This dish is absolutely spectacular and super easy to make. Let’s do this!


500g macaroni

500g beef sausage, taken out of the casing and minced

1 head broccoli, chopped

1 head cauliflower, chopped

1 large onion, chopped 

5 carrots, diced

2 medium tomatoes, grated

300g white cheddar cheese, grated 

Salt to taste


Boil pasta to 3/4 of its cooking time. Drain and set aside.

Sauté sausage in a large skillet until cooked, 5-7 minutes. Take the sausage out of the pan leaving the fat from the sausage in the pan.

Sauté broccoli, cauliflower, onions and carrots for 5 minutes, or until veggies are cooked but still have some bite to them.

Add sausage, macaroni and tomato. Mix well and cover pan with the lid for about 3 minutes. 

Stir the mixture again and take off the heat. Add the cheese and mix well.


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