


So a few weeks ago I was watching Matilda and it got to that part where she teaches herself to cook and makes the most beautiful pancakes in the whole wide world!

So I thought I’d take on the challenge to find one such recipe.


I found and slightly tweaked this recipe and it makes the fluffiest most delicious pancakes I’ve ever tasted with VERY few ingredients.

Here’s what you need:

1 cup of flour 

1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

4 tbsp sugar

A pinch of salt

1 large egg

1 cup buttermilk, if you don’t have any you can find a perfect substitute here

1 tbsp vegetable oil 

1 tsp vanilla extract (or any flavouring of your choice)

Let’s make some pancakes:

First, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a large bowl.

In a smaller separate bowl combine egg, buttermilk vegetable oil and flavour good of your choice, I used strawberry extract when I made them this morning and vanilla extract in the afternoon. Both passed the taste test.

Create a well in the center of the dry ingredient and carefully combine wet and dry ingredients being extra careful not to over mix. There will be a few lumps here and there but that okay. 

Place a lightly butter skillet over medium heat until hot, scoop 1/4 cup fool of pancake batter, wait a few minutes. When bubbles are formed and pop, the pancake is ready to be flipped. Use a flat spatula for this job. Wait 2-3 minutes and check if it’s golden brown. Then you know it’s ready!!

The recipe generate about 6-8 pancakes.

I enjoyed mine with a cherry filling and fresh whipped cream on the side.

Pancakes with cherry filling and whipped cream


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